Lordan Stormstalker
Posted - 2005.04.12 05:24:00 -
EVE is an universe of great potential. We now see people, whole corps specializing into certain professions it's awesome.
Honestly, there isn't such a thing as "pirates going unpunished". All these posts about pirates ganking from players to whole alliances IS part of the game, as it opens up other possibilities.
So, your corp is part of a powerful industrial alliance, which armed forces are not strong enough to defend everyone. You are rich though, as you profit from your industrial power and commerce. Those small pirate corps are annoying you... simple enough.
Hire bodyguards. There are several competent mercenary corps out there, willing to make a buck. You don't have enough people to patrol a trade route area? Hire the mercs to do it for you, to keep it clean. Or to go to the pirate home systems and annoy them. This way, the pirates keep in business, and the mercs have other business oportunities.
In this game, there is something called risk vs reward. There is a reason why you don't find high-end minerals in Yulai asteroid belts, for example. You can't go thinking that you are a single entity in this game, capable of doing everything. You are nothing but a n infinitesimal point in this huge universe, and then, teamwork is required. Directly, or indirectly. That being, all those excuses given by miners/industrials/people who don't pvp, etc are not really valid, if you take these aspects into consideration. Same way you have your way of doing business, the others have theirs too, and they need your "cooperation".
EVE is the only game I know of that allows you to log on another character while you still have one stuck ingame. I pointed this in another thread in the alliances forum. Even though all of us are bound to go through technical problems, lose connection, things of the like, that is how it's supposed to be. Technology is far from being perfect, bad things can happen, and we have to go on with that. The "poofing" exploit must be fixed, that's a reality. After EVE grew up so much in numbers (more than doubled from when I started playing), the number of lame and immature people also increased, unfortunately. Taking advantage of exploits to have an edge towards other players is wrong. It's the same thing as cheating in real life, as everyone here pays the same every month to play the game, and then, nobody is supposed to have privileges over another.